2009-04-25# Crazy Lady
  时间:2009年4月25日 浏览数: 打印

  Now, the VOA Special English program -- AMERICAN STORIES.

  Our story today is adapted from a novel for young people called "Crazy Lady" by Jane Leslie Conly. Crazy Lady is a Newbery Honor Book, one of the highest awards for children's literature in the United States. This story is told by forteen-year old Vernon Depth. His mother died and his father is raising Vernon and his brothers and sisters. Vernon becomes friends with Maxine and her mentally disabled son, Ronald. Here is Shep O'Neal with our story.

  Sometimes I dream Maxine is walking down the street right in the middle like she always did with her son, Ronald. She is wearing dark glasses and funny hat and purple pants and she moves back and forth when she walks. Ronald is all passed by like he scared someone is going to hurt him and then the kids come and start shouting: “Crazy lady!” And she shouts them and holds on to Ronald and they laugh and shout right back. I want you to know about our neighborhood. It is called trendy height. But I really need to tell you about is the next straight down. It is a slung. People live down there with their windows broke out all year round. I did not go down there much until I met Maxine and Ronald and their friend, Miss Anne. I was in 1981, the year I was twelve years old. I found out that once you are twelve, you are too big for lots of the things you used to do before but you’re too young for a job so a whole group of us was left with nothing to do. We will stand on the corner to see if Maxine will come by with Ronald. Somebody found out that he went to a school for mentally disabled kids and a special bus bought him home every afternoon. His mother was always here to get him off the bus. But we like most was to get her angry so she would put on a show. Anything we said with her pop her goal.

  One day, I was at the local store to buy potatoes. Milt, the owner of the store, was arguing with the woman about the price of the potatoes. “I’m here for potatoes, too.” I said, “My sister said they will a dollar nine on Monday.” Milt shouting: “You can both go up to the other stores.” Suddenly, I realized I was walking up the street to the other store, beside Maxine. There is no way I wanna to be there. “I’m in a hurry!” I said. “I’m in a hurry, too.” She said. “I leave Ronald home by himself, sitting by the TV.” “You give me the money and go on home.” I said, “I’ll get the potatoes.” I bought two bags of potatoes, put one bag under each arm and got back to Maxine’s house quick.

  “I do thank you.” she said, “you know what, I believe I know your mama. Are you a Depth?” I nodded. “I thought so.” Maxine said: “She was a real nice woman. One winter, she sold a coat for Ronald. She must see us on the street and she knows he did not have anything good to wear. She brought it down here and didn’t expect any money.” My mama could always make you feel special, actual myself. She could see what my teachers could not. Deep down inside, I was smart. But there was a secret between us. When my mama die, the secret die, too. I started to see myself like everyone else did, a big back words kid. I am trying to slip by without being notice.

  It was Maxine who introduced me to her neighbor, Miss Anne, when I needed help with English. Miss Anne told me to bring my books to her house every day after school. After a few weeks, she said:” Vernon, I’ve never ask you for money, but I would like you to help Maxine clean up her yard.” My face got red. I thought what of the guy saw me there. But it was not as bad as I expected. I cleaned up the yard and put the trash into the bag that Ronald held. Ronald stood there, hold the bag like it was the most important job on the earth. Seeing him like that, trying so hard to do something so simple, gave me a funny feeling inside. You see, when you first saw Ronald, he looked like an ugly animal. But what I figured out was, a lot of Ronald’s problems were fear, being scared made him look strange.

  One day, Ronald’s teacher Miss Maro came to visit Ronald’s home and Maxine wanted me there. Miss Maro wanted Ronald to be in the Special Olympics, a sports competition for mentally disabled children. Ronald would need sport shoes and a person to help him. “I’ll go with him.” I said. I had a feeling somebody needed to say that. I wanna to have a party to sell things and make money to buy sports shoes for Ronald. I told Maxine about it is the head of time which was a mistake. She was too excited. She drunk too much alcohol but we earn 143dollars for Ronald. Maxine said she was sorry for drinking too much. When we got to the store to buy Ronald’s shoes, Bobby and Jerry and Chris were standing there. It was Bobby who found the bright red shoes. Ronald was smiling from ear to ear. “You’ve our best friend, Vernon.” said Maxine,”And for everybody. Thanks!”

  A few weeks later, Maxine drunk too much again. The police drove her home. I was worried about Ronald. Then that Sunday Maxine and Ronald came to a church. She wore a green dress with the head that looked like a tomato with some cloth stuck to it. I knew she was never made it though the religious ceremony without opening her month. “No matter what you think of me, I love Ronald everyday.” she shouted as the police asked her to leave. I sat low in my seat but she saw me anyway. “There is Vernon Depth.” she told words, “He does not have the brain, God gave a tree.” After that, I did not forgive Maxine. She was shouted at me and once it sounds like she was trying to say she was sorry but I was not interested. I did keep on seeing Ronald, though. I would take him sandwiches or small cakes, he would eat them all right way and we would seat and talk. The truth is I would talk and Ronald listen. But now, I know his face so well. It was almost like he could talk. He had thousand of expressions and his arms and legs move according to how he felt. He always glad to see me and I felt the same. There was something come about it once he used to me. I told daddy that Ronald’s teacher Miss Maro had been checking up by Maxine. She knows Maxine drinks too much.

  I saw Miss Maro again at the Special Olympics. Ronald did not win any of the competitions but he had a great day. He had more friends that I’ve never imaging. Miss Maro said:” you will miss Ronald, won’t you?” then she saw my face,”Vernon, I’m sorry. Maxine said she would tell you. Ronald is going to live with his mother’s sister and her husband in North Carolina.”

  I went straight to Maxine’s house. “If you loved him, you would not do this.’ I shouted. She started to cry. “You can not send him way.” I shouted. “It is down.” she said simply and she closed the door. Maxine’s friend, Miss Anne has found out that morning. “Maxine’s husband and her sister live in a small farm in North Carolina. They have all kinds of animals and a big garden. There is a state university with a special education school near by.” I stated at her:”You are going alone with then?” “I think Ronald will be better off.” Miss Anne said. I did not say anything. Ronald left on a Tuesday and everyone knows he was going. Miss Anne cried her eyes out and Ronald’s uncle brought him out of his house and stood either side of him. He stood and said: “I would thank you a lot places that where who care about Ronald than you all have.” Ronald and aunt and his uncle got into the car. “Goodbye!” I whispered. I put my hand on the car window and Ronald linked his face against it. The car started to move. I went with it, walking, then running lowly along the side. For car went on, I fell, hit the ground, rolling and did not stop until I hit a concrete wall. I heard everywhere, my hand move on my legs and back, feeling of broken bones. “Vernon,” Daddy said, “I’m here.”